
Buy Credelio Plus for Dogs Online at DiscountPetCare

  Credelio Plus 4-in-1 Protection - the Smallest Chew for Dogs Credelio Plus is the smallest chewable 4-in-1 broad-spectrum treatment for dogs that is comprehensive, fast-acting, and convenient. It is gentle on the dog's system while being tough on parasites, combining the well-known safety and efficacy of milbemycin oxime with the novel, safe, and effective per os administration of lotilaner. This highly purified active ingredient in chewable tablets protects against fleas, ticks, including paralysis tick, heartworms, and intestinal worms (adult and juvenile hookworms, roundworms and adult whipworms). It has been formulated in a tasty meat-flavoured chewable tablet to be used monthly in puppies and dogs from 8 weeks of age or older and weighing 2.8 kg of bodyweight or more. It begins killing fleas within 2 hours of administration and protects for a full month against gastrointestinal nematodes and deadly heartworm. It can be used in conjunction with a variety of different treatme